Free Drone Video For listings!

Highland offers free drone videos for any listing over $200,000. We do this because of how well it is received by home-buyers in this price range. Showcasing a home in the best way possible is important to us because it ensures that our clients are able to get the most for their property in the shortest amount of time.

Our free drone videos include footage of the interior and exterior of your property. They are professionally edited and set to pleasant music like the sample here. All this, for free!

If you are interested in selling your property, please click “Contact” below to begin the streamlined process and sell your home soon!

Highland offers free drone videos for any listing over $200,000. We do this because of how well it is received by home-buyers in this price range. Showcasing a home in the best way possible is important to us because it ensures that our clients are able to get the most for their property in the shortest amount of time.

Our free drone videos include footage of the interior and exterior of your property. They are professionally edited and set to pleasant music like the sample here. All this, for free!

If you are interested in selling your property, please click “Contact” below to begin the streamlined process and sell your home soon!